Can I be a web designer without coding?

web design code


The spectacular rise in the use of the internet all across the globe is not hidden from anyone. The Internet is being used all around the world today for a variety of different purposes. It is estimated that there are more than 3.4 billion users of the internet all across the globe. The chances are that you are reading these words via the internet as well. However, how often do you stop to think about who put these words here? It was the work of a web designer/developer. The field of web designing is a highly lucrative field due to the nature of the internet as a platform and its speed of growth. If you are looking to become a web designer, one of the most important questions for you may be whether or not you can become a web designer without coding. In this article, we will venture to answer this question for you. By the time you reach the end of this article, you will know about the different dynamics of web designing as a career and whether you can become one without knowing how to code. read more